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CCSD Cell Phone Policy 

Attention Parent/Guardian:


With the breathtaking pace of technology and the attempt to incorporate technology into the classroom curriculum, the Board of School Trustees recognizes that student-owned technology can enhance instruction and student achievement. 


During the instructional day, students will be able to use these communication devices at the discretion of the teacher to support the instruction at hand.  Otherwise, electronic devices remain off.   Students must access the Internet using the CCSD network.  If permission is NOT given, and communication devices are NOT used appropriately, the device will be confiscated and discipline consequences will be issued through the dean’s office. 


Any confiscated cell phones will be available in the dean’s office for parent pick-up only.

Use of communication devices that violates state or federal law is strictly prohibited. 


Examples of inappropriate cell phone use impacting instruction may include:

·         Cheating on tests/class work via text messaging and cameras

·         Ringing/text messaging distractions during in instructional time

·         Cyberbullying, electronic harassment, intimidation, or threats

·         Circulation of offensive messages, pictures, or language

·         Accessing files/internet sites not relevant to the classroom curriculum

·         Academic dishonesty/plagiarism

·         Signaling for leaving class/ditching

·         Video game distractions 


Examples of inappropriate cell phone (electronic device) use that compromise your child’s safety:

·         Setting up fights and fight locations

·         Making drug deals

·         Impeding emergency effort through rumors and incorrect information

·         Overloading phone systems severely limiting emergency communication


To address these issues, CCSD is reminding parents/guardians of the following guidelines:

·         Cellular phones must be turned off and remain off during the instructional day unless given permission by the teacher to be used for classroom instruction

·         Cellular phones may be used prior to the first bell, after the final bell, or during a student’s lunch period

·         Cellular phones left on vibrate/silent modes are subject to seizure

·         Cellular phones must be turned off during passing periods

·         Cellular phones should be stored in non-visible locations; preferably pockets or purses

·         Cellular phones confiscated in violation of these guidelines will only be returned to a parent/guardian

·         Cellular phones must remain off during a school evacuation, lockdown, or drill. 


During these situations tell your child NOT to try to contact you by a cell phone until given the okay by school staff, thus allowing emergency communication channels to remain open. 


Communication regarding your child’s safety is an utmost priority at West Preparatory Institute.  Please be reminded that each school has intercoms, loudspeakers, computer technology, and all classrooms have hardwired telephones.  Additionally, administrators and safety personnel are prepared with two-way radios and cell phones.

We understand how families have come to rely upon cell phones and other electronic devices to maintain the lines of communication; however, we have an ethical and legal responsibility to ensure that technology is used in a way that won’t be harmful to others, create unsafe conditions in our schools, or undermine our educational purpose.  We seek your support and hope that you will speak with your children so they too fully understand the importance of following these guidelines

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