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Our Story
West Prep is a public, coeducational, college preparatory school serving grades K-12. The High School (grades 9 through 12) enrolls 308 students, the Middle School (grades 6, 7, and 8) enrolls 1,022 students, and the Elementary School (grades K through 5) enrolls 461 students. Organized in 2005, West Prep is accredited by AdvancED Accredidation.
West Prep High School is a school of choice. Eighth grade teachers nominate students seeking enrollment for high school at West Prep. The teacher nomination process occurs during the second semester of each school year. Ultimately, preference is provided to students with limited or no discipline events, sibling attendance at West Prep, and family support for a smaller learning environment. 200 students apply each year for admission to the freshman class; enrollment is capped at 125 students.
Tha administrative team works hard to create a safe, caring, and rigorous learning environment so ALL students have the opportunity to succeed.
Charles I. West
Dr. West was born September 27, 1908 in Washington D.C. He was a graduate of Howard University Medical School. He initially became resident surgeon at a Tulsa, Oklahoma hospital. As a veteran of World War II, Dr. West also served as a field surgeon and was wounded in France.
In an effort to create increased communication in the African-American community, he began the Las Vegas Voice newspaper in which appeared his weekly column “Hidden History.”
Dr. West received impressive acknowledgements and appointments during his lifetime. He was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson to the Medical Contingent of United Nations International Culture and Education Foundation (UNICEF) and received a Nevada Gubernatorial Appointment to the Governor’s Medical Advisory Board for the Aging.
Dr. West involved himself in every facet of community and political activism during his lifetime. He died on October 20, 1984.

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